The following map represents initial data for the Gender + Migration Hub project. Click on any grey area below to rotate the globe. Or click on any coloured region to access information about gender-responsive migration practices in that country.
GCM Objectives for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
- Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies
- Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin
- Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration
- Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation
- Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration
- Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
- Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration
- Save lives and establish coordinated international efforts on missing migrants
- Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrants
- Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration
- Manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner
- Strengthen certainty and predictability in migration procedures for appropriate screening, assessment and referral
- Use migration detention only as a measure of last resort and work towards alternatives
- Enhance consular protection, assistance and cooperation throughout the migration cycle
- Provide access to basic services for migrants
- Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
- Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration
- Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competences
- Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
- Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
- Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration
- Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits
- Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration
The following represents initial data from the Gender + Migration Hub project.
Click on any of the following buttons below to filter results by theme.
- All Theme Areas
- All Countries
- █ Violence and Vulnerabilities
- █ Migration Data and Registration
- █ Pathways and Employment
- █ Integration and Participation
- █ Social Protection, Rights and Services
- █ Development and International Cooperation
The Government of Argentina fostered an innovative approach to integration of self-employed migrants through a regularization program between 2004 and 2013. Targeting applicants from Senegal and the Dominican Republic, the program heavily benefited women, who were able to start their own small businesses. The program allowed these women to access social protection and become more autonomous.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 5, 6, 16, 18
The Government of Australia issued its Gender Equality Strategy in 2016. The strategy addresses gender imbalances found across government service provision to the public, including groups such as women migrants. The strategy is accompanied by a toolkit, resources, factsheets and good practises related to gender-responsive data collection and use.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 4
The Government of Austria has annually published the political outcomes of its gender equality policies since 2013. These reports evaluate key indicators to identify and address gender gaps in its society, including for migrant women. This change led to the development of a comprehensive gender-oriented budget and reporting framework, which is now integrated into the government's performance budgeting system.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Bangladesh, through its Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Policy, is addressing the need of gender-responsive data and research since 2016. It provides two programs for gender-responsive data collection and use. The first is a Labour Migration Information System to collect and produce dedicated labour migration data, including gender-disaggregated information. The second is a Labour Market Research Centre for investigating labour markets and home and abroad to give appropriate information on changing supplies and demands for labour.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Bangladesh undertook a gender equality analysis of its temporary labour agreements with several countries in the Middle East. The analysis provided evidence for negotiations to better protect the right of women migrant workers. Results included new training for over 40 recruitment agencies and the use of a new toolkit on gender-responsive employment and recruitment, which gives practical steps for governments, businesses and civil society in upholding international standards and best practises.
Theme: Development and International Cooperation
GCM Objective: 1, 2, 7, 14
UN Women helped the Government of Bangladesh in 2010 to establish its first resource center for women who wished to migrate so they could easily obtain accurate, up-to-date information. The resource center used workshops and radio broadcasts to make women more aware of their rights, including developing and broadcasting a 26-episode program on national radio.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3
The Government of Bangladesh has implemented its Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment Policy in 2016 to identify the need for financial and human resources in addressing gender-related issues. This includes establishing a special, permanent wing in the Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment to devise approaches to coordinate implementation of programs supporting women migrant workers. It also enhances gender-responsive budgetary allocations, seeks cooperation from civil society groups and increases the presence of women in labour welfare agencies.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Bangladesh, in conjunction with UN Women, has created a gender analytical framework for assessment of its data policies. The framework dissects the gendered impact of data by examining each policy's environment, data production, data dissemination, access and use, including on the statuses and conditions of migrant women.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Belgium implemented protections of migrant women through its Alien Law of 1980. The act defines vulnerable groups needing access to social services, including unaccompanied minors, pregnant women, elderly persons and victims of psychological, physical or sexual abuse.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15, 16
The Government of Brazil provides health care services to migrant women through Amparo Maternal. The institution receives migrant and refugee women, giving them specialised care in the health system. It also promotes and provides migrant women with care during pregnancy and after delivery.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 15, 22
The Government of Brazil has enacted Law 13.445/2017, which provides migrants on national territory the same protections as it provides citizens. This includes inviolable rights to life, liberty, equality, safety and property, as well as the right to family reunion. Furthermore, Decree No. 8.727 in 2016 entitles any person, including migrants, to have their gender identity recognised and registered in public information systems.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3, 15, 16
The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 18
The Government of Canada, through Statistics Canada, is implementing gender-responsive data into its gender equality and foreign policies in response to a 2018 report. This includes the development of new standards of sex- and gender-related variables and classifications in data collection. The policy aims to provide a two-step process for planning and collecting data on women and gender-diverse people, including migrants.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Canada is engaging new partners on projects that specifically address the multiple barriers to labour market entry and career advancement faced by Racialized Newcomer Women in Canada.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 16, 18
The Government of Canada introduced its Gender Results Framework (GRF) in 2018 to pursue and enhance gender equality, including on migration-related policies. GRF is a whole-of-government tool designed to track how Canada is doing on gender-responsive policymaking and measure its progress going forward. Through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, GRF promotes better collection and use of gender-responsive data.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objectives: 1
The Government of Canada is using a gender-based analysis (GBA Plus) tool to provide capacity building and policy evaluation tools. GBA Plus trains policymakers, including in immigration agencies, on how various intersections of identity, such as gender, affect implementation of its policies. Through GBA Plus, agencies such as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada are developing, collecting and making better use of gender-responsive data.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objectives: 1
The Government of Canada provides protection and assistance to refugee women through its Women at Risk program. The program provides such assistance to migrant women who are at heightened risk for fear of their safety and security through resettlement in Canada. This applies to women without the normal protection of a family who find themselves in precarious situations.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 16
The Canadian Council for Refugees launched a project called "Gender-Based Approach to Settlement". The goal of the project is to build the capacity of the settlement sector to apply a gender-based analysis in the advocacy for and the development, implementation and evaluation of settlement programs and services for migrants.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14
In April 2019, with funding from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), four organizations from the anti-violence and settlement sectors, partnered to begin collaborative work on developing a national strategy to address GBV for newcomers and refugees.
By building on current expertise, knowledge and resources in the anti-violence and settlement sectors, this coordinated effort recognizes the reality that newcomers and refugees continue to experience structural barriers to accessing support. Working together in partnership between the four organizations and engaging their members increases our ability to deliver GBV prevention and intervention and better serve individuals and families experiencing violence.
Between 2019-2022, with input from the settlement and anti-violence sectors, and through funding from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), this project will build the capacity of settlement and anti-violence sectors to co-develop a shared base of knowledge and to better support newcomers and refugees through a coordinated, comprehensive approach. Working collaboratively across Canada is a strategic way to make change happen.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 16
The Gender-Based Enhanced Settlement Program (GESP) is a unique program which the non-profit organization MOSAIC designed to support newcomer families in British Columbia, Canada. Sometimes the settlement process can be hard on newcomer families and may impact the family dynamics. Services under this program are available for both men and women to strengthen healthy relationships during their settlement and integration process. Services include:
- Assistance with identifying needs
- Information about gender roles and responsibilities in Canada
- Emotional support
- Informational workshops on various topics
- Assistance with developing a support network
- Referrals to other community services and resources
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 15, 16
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has adopted regulatory amendments implemented family violence measures to reduce vulnerability to gender-based violence in the immigration system. In June 2015, a regulatory amendment to increase the minimum age of a recognized spouse from 16 to 18 in all permanent and temporary immigration programs came into effect. This amendment is intended to decrease the number of potentially vulnerable young spouses immigrating to Canada who may not have the capacity to act in their own best interest, and helps prevent the occurrence of forced marriages.
At the same time, regulations were implemented to ensure that marriages conducted by proxy, telephone, fax, Internet or similar forms (i.e., marriages where one or both parties was not physically present at the marriage ceremony) would no longer be recognized within Canada’s permanent and temporary immigration programs. The nature of these marriages may facilitate forced marriages because one or both spouses are not physically present making it difficult to determine if they consent to the marriage. These regulatory amendments help reduce the number of vulnerable individuals who fall victim to forced marriage in order to gain immigration status.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7
In 2019, the Government of Canada implemented two initiatives to support those whose immigration status may be precarious due to the reliance on an abusive spouse or partner for their status in Canada.
First, individuals in this vulnerable situation who are out-of-status may apply for an expedited, fee-exempt, temporary resident permit (TRP), which includes a fee-exempt work permit and Interim Federal Health Program coverage. This provides protection to vulnerable individuals who are victims of family violence and/or their dependent foreign national children in Canada through security of short-term immigration status to help escape the influence of abuse, and grant them time to decide their next course of action.
Secondly, an expedited process is available for individuals in Canada who are in urgent situations of family violence and who apply for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. This means individuals will have their permanent residence applications processed more quickly, with the goal of helping them leave abusive situations as expeditiously as possible.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7
In 2018 the Government of Canada began modernizing how it handles information on sex and gender. This led Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to introduce its first Policy on Client Sex and Gender identifier in January 2021. The policy establishes for all IRCC lines of business how to collect, record, and display a client’s sex or gender identifier as accurately as possible. The sex or gender identifier includes female (F), male (M), and non-binary (X). This policy enhances the privacy of clients by eliminating unnecessary displays of sex or gender information. It provides individuals with a non-binary option that better reflects their gender while enabling IRCC’s collection of more inclusive gender data. It also ensures that individuals are able to obtain identity documents and personal records that align with their gender while supporting the integrity of IRCC programs.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 4
Costa Rica
The Government of Costa Rica tasked civil society groups with developing gender-responsive analysis of migration through its Second National Integration Plan (2018-2022). The plan's analysis calls for gender-sensitive policies, especially with respect to gender-based violence, using new data. The plan more broadly includes a specific focus on gender in human migration. Specifities and needs for migrant women, especially those who are victims of violence, are analysed and integrated into strategic actions.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 3, 7, 14
The Government of Cyprus established a Multidisciplinary Coordinating Group to monitor migrant rights in trafficking. It provides early identification, protection and support to victims of trafficking. It also promotes international cooperation, monitoring and collection of data.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 1, 9, 10
The Government of Ecuador, with assistance from IOM, launched a comprehensive sensitisation campaign against gender-based violence including discussions, radio broadcasts, film screenings and workshops. The campaign took place in a region of the country hosting displaced populations from Colombia and reached over 3,000 people. In addition, workshops and training on gender-based violence prevention were organised for government officials, and psychosocial support and family therapy sessions were provided to over 1,500 migrant women and their families.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14
The Government of Ecuador adopted its National Plan on Human Mobility in 2018. The plan's objective is to enshrine constitutional principles of human mobility into its inter-sectoral public policies. It also emphasises migrant rights through a gender perspective, with an emphasis on priority groups, like migrant women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
Afro-Ecuadorians and Afro-Colombian refugees use traditional arrullo rhythms and song to open a conversation about gender-based violence. The rhythmic drumbeat starts up, the maracas join, and singer Olaise Cortéz sways as she takes aim at a devastating issue that is too often shrouded in silence – gender-based violence.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7
El Salvador
The Government of El Salvador established protection of migrant women in its Plan of Action: Women, Peace and Security 2017-2022. The plan gives special attention to migrant women who are victims of trafficking. In addition, the strategic plan of the Salvadorian Institute for the Rights of Women of 2015-2019 commits the Institute to providing attention to displaced and migrant women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 9, 10
The Government of France signed a memorandum of understanding with trade-union organisations and public employers to promote gender equality in the civil service in 2013. France is making gender-responsive data, including on women migrants, of central importance in hiring candidates for the civil service. The memorandum ultimately aims to use gender-responsive data to ensure non-discriminatory recruitment practises are implemented in the country.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Georgia has established protection for migrant women through Article 19 of the Law on Combating Trafficking. As part of the law's implementation, Georgia gives assistance and protection to victims of human trafficking and entitles any person or legal entity to establish a private, non-for-profit shelther to ensure security for migrant women. Part 2 of the law sets out key standards for shelter services. As a result of the law, multiple shelters were opened in major cities in Georgia.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 9, 10, 15
The Government of Ghana, through its Statistical Service with assistance from Statistics Denmark, is monitoring gender equality by strengthening routine data collection systems on several data quality improvement projects. Data collection enhancements incorporate mainstreaming gender in its administrative data collection forms, including on migration. The projects are developing a database aligned with Ghana's strategies from its National Gender Policy and the UN's SDGs.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Ghana increased access to and demand for gender-responsive data in health and social services among rural women, including migrants, through its Mobile Technology for Community health program. Health care providers were also able to record and track care provided to women and their dependents. By 2013, over 11,843 clients were served and 34 rural health care facilities created for service provision.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 15, 22
An increasing number of Ghanaians, particularly young men and women, travel out of the country in search of better employment opportunities. In recent times, there has been a surge in the numbers of low skilled workers, especially in the domestic and construction sectors migrating to the Middle East and the Gulf regions, even though the government’s ban on VISA -20 is still in force. The numbers that were brought in during the first phase of the Covid-19 through the government and via IOM attest to the fact that a lot more needs to be done beyond the ban on VISA-20. Under the auspices of the project "Support to Female Migration Domestic Workers Resilience and Social Protection in Time of COVID-19 and Post pandemic", Migrant Watch and Skilled Revolution Front aim at building the capacity of the returned migrants economically through psycho-social counselling, skilled trainings and provision of working tools.
GCM Objective: 6, 7, 10, 18 , 21
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
The General Secretariat for Gender Equality issued a guide for migrant women concerning their rights in the areas of work, health and social security. This also helps to sensitize officials and others to the need for equal treatment.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 3, 7
The Government of Guinea is prioritising a gender analytical framework to explore generation and integration of gender-responsive data in its policy planning. Analysis of existing data produced evidence of vulnerabilities of women in the country, especially migrants. The framework is fostering opportunities to coordinate mechanisms between gender and migration policies.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of India has established a gender budget cell to create schemes benefitting women migrants. It further aims to assess benefits to reaching women through existing social services and develop provisions and targets for making gender-responsive policy planning benefitting women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of India has created shelters for distressed women migrant workers in its embassies abroad. These provide safe-haven for women who may have been trafficked or escaped employers due to exploitation or abuse. Embassies work closely with community-based organisations in assisting domestic workers in communicating with employers, recruitment agencies and issues surrounding lack of pay and compensation. They also give labour helplines and helpdesks run by labour attaches to provide legal assistance to migrant workers.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Indonesia, with support from UN Women, is working through its judicial institutions to provide training modules to judges. These modules train judges in avoiding discriminatory attitudes towards women, including migrants, who are in conflict with the law. After a pilot program, Indonesia's Supreme Court committed to the program's institutionalisation for training of all in-service judges.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3
Indonesia enacted a new Law on the protection of Indonesian migrant workers (Law No 18/2017). The new law reinforces policies to provide end-to-end protection to overseas workers via socio-economic and legal protection before, during, and after recruitment, provision of social security, skills improvement and strengthening of public recruitment agencies.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 6, 22
The Government of Indonesia began a program called "Protecting and Empower Victims of Trafficking", or EMPOWER, to support its efforts in fight trafficking of persons by strengthening the capacity of government and civil society to protect and empower victims of human trafficking. It also seeks to address the root causes of trafficking.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 10
The Government of Ireland has worked from legislation to cover gender equality, including the Employment Equality Act of 1998. Its National Strategy for Women and Girls, 2017-2020, acknowledges and implements strategies to address the protection of disadvantaged women, including migrants. It aims to enable migrant women to participate in key decisions concerning their lives.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14, 16
The Government of Italy, through the Ministry of Interior and funded by the European Commission, launched a three-year project to protect migrant women who were victims of human trafficking at regional and national levels. The project resulted in the implementation of training courses based on two developed manuals, in consultation with key stakeholders, including migrant women. Once developed, Italy presented its new training courses for focal points in several enforcement bodies.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 9, 10
In 2015, Kuwait's national assembly adopted a new law regulating the domestic work sector, including provision of labour rights such as a minimum wage. These regulations fill a gap in the Gulf Cooperation Council's legal protection for migrant workers.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 6, 16, 18, 22
Lao People's Democratic Republic
The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 18
The Government of Madagascar completed a gender-based analysis in 2019 to inform its responses to gender equality and climate change, including women migrants. Its report involved analysing the ways in which climate change differentially affects vulnerable groups, such as women and migrants. To address these inequities, the report recommends establishment of new and extension of previous services for women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15
The Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) of Malaysia published a "Guideline and Tips for Employers of Foreign Domestic Helpers" to create awareness for employers and ensure adequate protection of foreign domestic helpers, and, through the bilateral agreements with sending countries for domestic workers, has agreed for the inclusion of pre-departure training to be held at the country of origin.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 3, 6, 16, 18
The Government of Malaysia has organised training programs for domestic migrant workers coming to work in the country. The training programs aim to raise awareness of domestic workers and their rights under Malaysian labour law, introduce the basics of the Malay language and highlight cultural differences. In 2016, Malaysia published guidelines to raise further awareness among employer about laws and modalities for recruitment and employment of domestic workers.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Malaysia has adopted legislation focused on combatting exploitation and abuse in its labour markets. Based on the Private Employment Agencies Act of 1981, private employment agencies are required to provide financial guarantees for support of migrant workers, especially women working in the domestic sector. The government aims to filter out careless employers and protect the rights of domestic workers through this policy.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Mauritius has developed a National Migration and Development Policy and Action Plan (2018) to integrate gender into its migration policies. The policy contains objectives to mainstream gender data and analysis. It partly achieves this by aiming to collect gender-disaggregated data and reaching a better understanding of special needs, interests and concerns of women migrants.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Mexico has created a technical group for incorporation of gender-responsive data into its migration policies through the Ministry of the Interior. The group collects data to guarantee women migrants effective access to their rights through incorporation of gender perspective and affirmative action in its administrative rules and public policies.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Mexico is providing free legal counselling services on labour issues for migrants through its Federal Office for the Defense of Workers. This includes a focus on a human rights and gender perspective, which emphasizes support to women labour migrants.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 15, 22
The Government of Mexico is providing additional social protection to women labour migrants through its Forma Migratoria de Trabajador Fronterizo (FMTF) program. The program aims to facilitate migrant documentation, especially for those performing undocumented domestic work in the labour force.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Morocco is providing social assistance services to its entire population, regardless of migration status. This includes provision of services in the National Mutual Aid program for disadvantaged women and victims of violence, as well as protection to migrant children and the disabled through the Solidarity, Family and Social Development Ministry.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 12, 15, 22
The Government of Morocco is enacting a policy to allow irregular migrants to become reuglarized and integrate them into Moroccan society. This allows them access to basic social services and formal employment. The aim of the policy is to address the vulnerability and often dire living conditions of irregular migrants, especially women.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 12, 16
Financed by the EU and Terre des Hommes, the Government of Morocco implemented its Takine-Migrants project to improve access to health care and educational services for migrant women and children from Sub-Saharan Africa. The project aims to improve medical, social and psychological care of migrant women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 15
Htoi provides rescued women and girls with legal aid, psychosocial counselling, referrals to services, skills training for their economic recovery and human trafficking awareness training.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 9, 10, 15, 22
The Government of Myanmar is providing long-term, targeted livelihood programs for women, including migrants, to strength their labour skills and opportunities. With support from UN Women, Myanmar gives training on entrepreneurship and development. Benefits to women include training, livelihood opportunities, cash and in-kind support to establish businesses. It also provides awareness-raising sessions on safe migration to women participating in these activities and women's support groups for peer-to-peer support.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 16, 18
The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 18
The Government of Nepal, working with civil society groups, implemented the CEDAW shadow reporting processes to advocate for ratification of international conventions on migrant rights, especially for women. Adopted conventions include ILO Domestic Workers Convention (2011) and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Nepal implemented gender-responsive data collection and use in its national census in 2001 to address gaps in women's access to land and social services. Results related to this policy led to two constitutional amendments which significantly improved land ownership right for women in the country. As a consequence, women's land ownership in Nepal, including for migrants, trebled between 2001 and 2009.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Nepal, through its constitution as part of Article 29, is ensuring equal and fair treatment of migrants, especially women. Through its Foreign Employment Policy (2012), the government provides information to women migrants in the challenges they may face in migration, particularly for domestic workers. Nepal has also endorsed the Women Domestic Workers Guideline (2015) on domestic workers overseas. The guideline will address problems facing women migrant workers by holding employers and local recruitment agencies in destination countries responsible for migrant welfare.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of the Netherlands established the National Rapporteur on Trafficking, which reports on the extent of human trafficking and sexual violence against children, as well as the effects of related government policies.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 10
New Zealand
From 2002 to 2008, the Government of New Zealand required a Gender Implications Statement to accompany all cabinet papers, including on migration policies. This action required analysis of all policy proposal's gendered impacts, with requirements to address issues, identify unique needs to vulnerable groups and ensure appropriate instruments were in place to provide services to women, including migrants.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Norway has been publishing national gender equality indicators since 2008. These data include gender-responsive information about women migrants regarding political institutions, the labour market, business structures and educational programs. Results are published at various geographical scales and allow policymakers to better plan gender-responsive policies.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Peru developed a gender and climate change action plan in 2014. The implementation of the plan aims to simultaneously reduce gender inequality while adapting to climate change, including by gathering and using more data on women migrants in the country. It has formed consultative processes with various women's organisations and created a mandate for integration of gender into climate change policies. Part of the program involves implementation of training and tools to incorporate gender-responsive data production and analysis.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Peru has adopted Decree No. 1350 of 2017 on migration, which grants a legal avenue for regularisation for all migrants, including women. Article 29.2 k of the Decree establishes that residency is authorised for migrants who face a life-threatening situation or one of great vulnerability if they leave Peru. This avenue also applies to victims of human trafficking, unaccompanied minors and stateless persons.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 5, 9, 10
The Government of the Philippines established Republic Act 8042 to affirm the fundamental equality of women in building the country. Through this act, the government is implementing a policy to recognise the contributions of women migrant workers overseas and their particular vulnerabilities. This includes the use of gender-reponsive criteria in policy planning related to migrant workers and the composition of political bodies tasked to oversee migrant welfare. It also includes the establishment of a resource centre for migrant workers to give training and services in gender-sensitive programs and activities. These changes will work to assist the special needs of women migrant workers.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of the Philippines, working with the Trade Union Congress (TUCP) and various NGOs, is providing better protection for migrant workers, especially domestic workers, through gender-responsive data collection. TUCP collects data and addresses issues related to women migrant workers, such as sexual violence and health. These groups have also created a centre for migrant workers returning to and leaving the Philippines, including giving training sessions informing migrants of their rights and giving foreign contacts.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 15
The Government of the Philippines has developed a large network of labour offices in foreign countries to administer and enforce labour migrant protections, especially for women. There are currently 34 offices providing services to labour migrants around the world. These offices develop infrastructure to provide protection for migrant workers abroad.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15
The Government of the Philippines adopted the Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act to guarantee protection of migrant workers, especially women, through certification, penalising illegal recruitment and providing free access to skill-building and livelihood programs. The Philippines is working on various fronts for the protection of migrant workers, especially domestic workers, including through deploying female personnel to overseas labour offices and installing gender focal point officers at its consulates and embassies.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
Republic Act No. 9710 of the Philippines which is known as the Magna Carta of Women is a human rights law enacted in 2008 “that seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfilment and promotion of the rights of Filipino women. Chapter V of the law provides for the rights and empowerment of vulnerable groups including women migrant workers. The law has put institutional mechanisms in place to ensure gender-responsiveness in all of government’s planning and implementation of activities, including the appointment of Gender Focal Point Officers in Philippine Embassies and Consulates; designation of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) as the primary policy-making and coordinating body for women and gender equality concerns under the Office of the President; gender and development budget for local government units; setting up of violence against women’s; and comprehensive health care services.
Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15
Towards implementing the Magna Carta of Women, the Philippines government has legally designated the Commission on Human Rights as the Gender Ombud, specifically tasked to make guidelines and mechanisms that will facilitate access of women to legal remedies under the Act and related laws, and enhance the protection and promotion of the rights of women, especially marginalized women. In connection with the mandate of the Commission as the Gender Ombud, the NHRI is establishing a Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Observatory, which shall be a research and advocacy hub with the aim of collecting and analyzing information on gender based violence, monitoring the progress of efforts addressing GBV, pursuing research and advocacy agenda towards improved policies, mechanisms, and access to justice for victim-survivors of GBV.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7
The Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO) continuously strives to address the particular vulnerabilities and situations of the predominantly female migrating spouses or partners of foreign nationals, in every stage of the migration cycle, such as pre-departure preparedness and marriage migrants’ integration to the host country. The CFO offers country specific pre-departure orientation services, such as (a) Guidance and Counseling Program (GCP) for marriage migrants; (b) Peer Counseling Program for youth migrants; (c) Country Familiarization Seminar (CFS) for Au Pair Participants; (d) Predeparture Orientation Seminar for US-bound Exchange Visitor Program participants; (e) Community Education Program; (f) Fight Against Human Trafficking; and (f) Financial Literacy Program.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 3, 7
The Government of Portugal through The Strategic Plan for Migration (2015-2020) promotes support for migrant women in the country. It aims to strengthen participation of migrant women in civil society, in part by informing them of their rights and duties. It also promotes partnerships between the government and immigrant communities and associations.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3, 16
The Government of Romania developed its Database on Trafficking in Human Beings through the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons in 2007. The database enables government agencies to receive and process data regarding victims of trafficking, particularly migrant women, with a view to their identification and prompt provision of specialised support services. The database allows for better monitoring of assistance provided to migrant women, as well as more accurate information on trafficking trends.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 9, 10
The Government of Serbia implemented a project using cultural mediators to support vulnerable migrants. Support includes specialized case management, safety planning, referral, psychosocial support and support of best interests of migrants. It features a thematic focus on gender-based violence.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 10, 12
Sierra Leone
The Government of Sierra Leone has incorporated gender-based analysis for the protection of migrant women in its National Migration Strategy (2017). In the strategy, gender is considered a key, cross-cutting issue that needs to be mainstreamed into migration management and development planning. The strategy encompasses gender-sensitive policy objectives, which aims to both mainstream gender into migration policy and ensure that such policy benefits both men and women.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Singapore amended the Women's Charter to enhance protection for victims of trafficking and prostitution through enhancing criminal penalties.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 9, 10
South Korea
The Government of South Korea, with the Seoul Metropolitan government, has adopted a new policy approach to incorporate women's, including migrants, perspectives and experiences in its Women-Friendly City Project. The project works through 16 offices, investment institutions and government-funded institutions to choose projects involving integration of gender-responsive data into policy planning.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
The Government of Spain is working through the Institute of Women and Equal Opportunities for cross-sectional implementation of gender equality and non-discrimination in the labour force. All government agencies are required to provide gender-relevant statistical information, including on women migrants, conduct surveys, give advice and oversee effective implementation of gender-responsive data policies.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 7, 14
In 2005, the Government of Spain implemented its Normalization Programme to issue over 191,000 work permits for migrant workers, 89% of whom were women. Application procedures enabled both employers and women migrants to make direct submissions for applications for regularisation of status. As a result, submissions from migrant women allowed regularisation of status in particular for those working in care and domestic work sectors.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 4, 5, 6, 16, 18
Sri Lanka
The Government of Sri Lanka, with support from UN Women, developed a training manual to help labour attaches to better respond to sexual- and gender-based violence among women migrant workers. A second manual, which is now integrated in regular training sessions by the Bureau of Foreign Employment, explains basic rights and entitlements for women migrants.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3
The Government of Sri Lanka has provided pre-departure training for migrant workers since 1996. Training includes migrant worker registration and welfare benefits. Benefits incorporate pre-departure loans, scholarships for children and insurance coverage. All women domestic migrant workers going to Gulf Cooperation Council countries must obtain this pre-departure training.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Sri Lanka has entered into MoUs and bilateral agreements on labour migration to include measures on protection of the rights of women migrants. Through the Ministries of Foreign Employment and Foreign Affairs, migrants may file complaints with labour attaches in destination countries, such as Thailand and South Korea.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15
The Government of Sri Lanka approved a national framework on prevention of sexual and gender-based violence in 2016. It developed this framework through the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs with support from UNDP. It includes provisions on child affairs, foreign employment, disaster management, economic development, employment, education, empowerment and prevention of violence.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Government of Sweden, in conjunction with UNHCR, is training all government staff in the Nordic countries to improve due process and data collection for LGBTQIA+ asylum-seekers. Data are used to ensure special procedural safeguards are maintained during the application process. The Swedish migration agency, for example, now mandates that all refugee status determinations include at least one expert who is trained and certified on LGBTQIA+ issues.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of Sweden formalised integration of gender equality perspectives into its policymaking, including on migration, in 2014. The policy is divided into six themes, which assign specific budget items to gender equality goals. The policy's additional aim is to integrate gender-mainstreaming into its government agencies and influences Sweden's foreign affairs.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1, 3
The Government of Switzerland, through the canton of Geneva adopted a voucher system for employers to regularly hire domestic workers, especially women migrants. It also provides them with social security coverage, benefits and guaranteed minimum wages.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 16, 18
The Government of Taiwan, through the Department of Labour in Taoyuan City, is implementing participatory budgeting for migrants workers. The project provides on- and off-line channels for foreign residents, especially women, to express their issues, needs and policy ideas. The project aims to help migrant workers feel like equal members of society and include them in budgetary and policymaking processes.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14
The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 18
The Government of Turkey has implemented Law No. 6284, which focuses on the protection of family and prevention of violence against women, especially migrants. The law regulates procedures and principles with regard to measures for the prevention of violence against women more broadly. Anyone, including migrant women, may benefit from services provided by the Violence Prevention and Protection Centres, Women's Shelters and Provincial Directorates of Family, Labour and Social Services without discrimination.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 7, 14, 15, 22
United Kingdom
The Government of Scotland is funding its 'Close the Gap' initiative designed to enhance and secure public sector gender equality. To do this, it is focusing on collection, use and publication of gender-responsive data, including on migrant women in the labour force. Scotland is working to identify and implement best practises for gender-responsive data, including how these data can support gender equality.
Theme: Migration Data and Registration
GCM Objective: 1
The Government of the United Kingdom initiated the Xenia program in 2016 to assist migrant women. The program provides innovative social integration and language practice for migrant, refugee and asylum seeking women in London. Weekly workshops welcome women who are learning English and women who speak fluent English to take part in activities together in a safe, women-only space, with childcare provided.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 15, 16
United States of America
The Government of the United States of America, with help from IOM, worked through the Refugee Admissions Program and IOM Resettlement Support Centers to create safe spaces for welcoming and confidential spaces to protect LGBTQIA+ refugees. The initiative assists LGBTQIA+ migrants in their settlement and maintains strict confidentiality of sensitive information. It also distributes handouts to ensure vulnerable migrants receive critical information needed to make informed decisions about their resettlement cases.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14
The Government of the United States, through the Violence Against Women Act (2000), has enabled tools for migrant women suffering from domestic violence to improve their health and legal situations. The act improves access to cancellation of removal and funding schemes for migrant women. It also allows them to obtain Lawful Permanent Resident status without leaving the country and created a new type of visa for victims of serious crimes, including gender-based violence.
Theme: Violence and Vulnerabilities
GCM Objective: 5, 7, 14
The Poverty Reduction through Safe Migration, Skills Development and Enhanced Job Placement (PROMISE) programme establishes partnerships with employers in Thailand and skill development partners in the countries of origin to develop new cross-border models of market-driven migrant skills training. It will also improve access to skills training for migrants already working in Thailand in construction, manufacturing and hospitality.
Theme: Pathways and Employment
GCM Objective: 6, 18
The Government of Vietnam, in conjunction with IOM, provided health, psychosocial and other support to migrant women who have experienced harassment and violence in the workplace and at home. Self-help groups for women were formed to empower them to speak out and raise awareness of violence against women, strengthening policy development and implementation. Parallel groups for men were also formed to help raise their awareness of issues of gender inequality and violence against women. The project reported changes in the attitudes and behaviours of participants and emphasised how self-help groups had become curcial to support and knowledge to deal with gender-based violence.
Theme: Integration and Participation
GCM Objective: 3, 7, 14, 15
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