

The Government of Ghana, through its Statistical Service with assistance from Statistics Denmark, is monitoring gender equality by strengthening routine data collection systems on several data quality improvement projects. Data collection enhancements incorporate mainstreaming gender in its administrative data collection forms, including on migration. The projects are developing a database aligned with Ghana's strategies from its National Gender Policy and the UN's SDGs.

Theme: Migration Data and Registration

GCM Objective: 1

The Government of Ghana increased access to and demand for gender-responsive data in health and social services among rural women, including migrants, through its Mobile Technology for Community health program. Health care providers were also able to record and track care provided to women and their dependents. By 2013, over 11,843 clients were served and 34 rural health care facilities created for service provision.

Theme: Migration Data and Registration

GCM Objective: 1, 15, 22

An increasing number of Ghanaians, particularly young men and women, travel out of the country in search of better employment opportunities. In recent times, there has been a surge in the numbers of low skilled workers, especially in the domestic and construction sectors migrating to the Middle East and the Gulf regions, even though the government’s ban on VISA -20 is still in force. The numbers that were brought in during the first phase of the Covid-19 through the government and via IOM attest to the fact that a lot more needs to be done beyond the ban on VISA-20. Under the auspices of the project "Support to Female Migration Domestic Workers Resilience and Social Protection in Time of COVID-19 and Post pandemic", Migrant Watch and Skilled Revolution Front aim at building the capacity of the returned migrants economically through psycho-social counselling, skilled trainings and provision of working tools.

GCM Objective: 6, 7, 10, 18 , 21

Theme: Social Protection, Rights and Services

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